Daddy Shower
by Ann

Here's one for you!! Any ideas for a baby shower
geared toward the not only unmarried, but also no longer dating the mother, father. The 24 year old young man is planning on being a very involved father, just no longer with the mother.
We have a group of 20 or so people I would like to invite, including his grandparents, parents, family, and a couple of his closest friends. I've known him his whole life and am very good friends with his mother. I would like to serve an elegant dinner, skip anything cutesy for decorations and also have a nice dessert with coffee afterward.
Help!! I need to keep it classy, geared toward the father/baby and since he just graduated from college is back home with his parents, help them ease into this also.
Thank you. Ann
Our Answer:
Hi Ann,
For a daddy shower...Your friend is definitely going to need supplies, especially since he will be spending a lot of time with the baby. The best way to plan for a baby shower for him is to think of his tastes and interests.
Since you want a classy, sit down meal, your decorations will also need to reflect it. I'm not sure if the baby is a boy or girl, but anytime you have guys involved, you will need to skip the pastel and/or girly decorations and use stronger colors. He might already feel awkward and stronger colors will help him feel more comfortable at the party.
To make the tables look elegant, use cloth tablecloths, china and silverware in place of the paper plates and plastic silverware.
Tailor your table centerpieces to compliment the colors of the baby shower. They can also go with something he enjoys, like cars, boats, fishing, golfing and so on.
Here are some generic ideas that might work for you...
With an elegant meal, the tuxedo and evening gown chocolate covered strawberries might add a nice touch.
P.S.If you would like at add a fun element to the baby shower, a daddy duty belt might give everyone (including him hopefully) a good chuckle.
Daddy Duty Belt Take a tool belt and fill it with all the necessities a new dad would need for changing the diaper of a new baby.
A clothespin for his nose, rubber gloves for the hands, Tongs to pick the diaper up with, hand sanitizer, face mask, diapers, diaper wipes, goggles for his eyes, a toy to distract the baby, and diaper rash cream.
Good Luck planning the baby shower!
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