Where To Hold The Baby Shower

Most of our family and friends live 2 hours away as we moved a few years ago for jobs. Is it wrong to have the shower in the town we now live in - and ask all of those people to travel? Should we be the ones to travel back to our hometown for a shower? We also have no means to transporting anything people give us back to where we currently live if we do decide to have the shower in our original town.

Our Answer:


Thanks for your etiquette question. My first question is...where is your hostess located? Is in in your new town or old town? It is important to have a hostess that can help you take care of these details and it will be important that hosting the baby shower is in a location that is also convenient to her.

It seems like you will have complications with either choice. If you throw a local baby shower where you currently live, the chances are not very high that you will have all of your friends and family travel the 2 hours to attend. A mother, sister or very close friend might, but with hectic schedules and children, it would be difficult to get a good turn out with a distance like that.

If the majority of my friends and family lived 2 hours away, I would travel to have the baby shower there. But I am not sure of your circumstances and why you do not have transportation with enough room to bring the presents back with you.

So your two choices are to...

1. Hold a smaller baby shower where you currently live, doing this you can...

  • invite local friends that you have made since the move
  • be able to easily transport your gifts
  • invite the friends and family from your old town to give them the option to travel if they would like to.

    2.Hold the baby shower in your old town...
  • which will give greater chances of a better turn out with the majority of your friends and family
  • you might have to ask (or maybe even pay the gas money) for someone to transport the gifts to your new town. Or slowly bring the gifts down over time. This is something that will have to be figured out beforehand.

    Even if you have friends that cannot make it to one of the locations...having a baby shower is better than not having one at all. You will need to weigh the options and see which one is better for you and your circumstances.

    Good luck with the baby shower and the baby on the way!

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