Cloth Diaper Invitation Wording

by Ariane M.

I am throwing a shower for a friend and am going to make the invitations. She is very "green" and will be using cloth diapers and wipes. Can I put "no diapers please" on the invites, or what would be a better way to say that? Do I need to explain why? Also, she is registered at Babies r us, but doesn't want people to feel they have to stick to the registry, because she's open to other gifts. Do I need to mention that to guests? Any info would be appreciated.

Our Answer:

Hi Ariane,

Thank you for your etiquette question. When wording the baby shower invitation, try to make the request as subtle as possible. Baby shower etiquette rules state that you should try to stay away from requesting specific things on invitations, but sometimes they are necessary for them to know about it.

A simple line like...

Susan and Mark are looking forward to welcoming their new one into an environmentally healthy home and would love your help!

It explains the environmentally friendly factor in a friendly and fun way. Then down at the bottom you can put a line like...

If you would like help with gift suggestions, please contact (hostess names.)

As far as a gift registry goes, you should be fine to list it on the invitation. There will always a percentage of people who do not use the registry. The registry is there as "gift suggestions" so people will not feel obligated to shop there if you list it on the invitations.

P.S. The sample wording above is from an oregon environmentally friendly website that also has more ideas if you are looking for more environmentally friendly ideas for the baby shower.

Sheryl Crow had a eco-friendly "green" baby shower when she adopted her baby Wyatt. She had some great elements in the baby shower to set a warm and intimate feel tone to the party. You can get more details of her Sheryl Crow's eco-friendly baby shower here.

Good luck with your planning!

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Other ways to word the invitation
by: Mercie

My family is very "green" and knew not to get me disposable diapers, but my husband's family is not. So my hostess put a line on the invitation to bring a package of cloth diapers to be entered in the raffle. Everyone got the point, we didn't get any disposable diapers at the party.

My sister-in-law, listed that she was registered at a cloth diaper service on her invitation. I thought that was also a pretty clever idea to let her guests know!

Add it to the registry
by: Jennifer

Instead of putting an note on the invitation, we had a note on our registry that explained that we have chosen to help the planet be a little greener by using cloth diapers. It helped! We didn't get any disposable diapers at the baby shower. :-)

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